In the 1980s, Cor Kok
donated the ‘shop’ to
the Kijk en Luistermuseum
in Bennekom.

This very special museum displays a collection of mechanical musical instruments, music boxes and barrel organs. Visitors can also admire other small but valuable historical collections from 1900, such as utensils from the area and further afield. There’s even a ‘clog school’, and thread and ribbon shop from 1868, and a traditional old grocery selling sweets from the good old days!

Ede held a Jubilee Exhibition to display a significant part of his work.To mark this occasion, and the 60th anniversary of the Rotary Club,Eversen reached the grand old age of 100 in May 2006. by the local Ede artist Jan Eversen in 1974.A few of the authentic utensils from the shop, painted