Fred Charité:
I’ve been a sales rep
for Kok Ede and
Deli XL for 44 years

Fred: Kok Ede and its customers were one big family
“I remember the very first household trade fair in the canteen on Frankeneng. It was in 1974 or 1975, and there were 6 market stalls, including one from the Hoogenboom company.
The fair lasted three whole weeks.
At that time, Friesland was 100% customer of Kok Ede, largely on account of the Irma custard powders!When I took over from Rense Alkema as Kok Ede sales representative for the Friesland district in 1986, we still sent out hand-written cards arranging appointments and all the orders were taken down in writing. In many retirement or nursing homes, a visit from the Kok Ede sales rep was the highlight of the week!!

I’ve seen a lot of changes over the last 44 years. Time really has flown in this respect. I’ve seen a lot of highs, but also a few lows.
Jo Stakenborg, the sales rep from Limburg, took his electric organ for the evenings. We had a great time listening to him play tunes by Johan Ratelband, Gerard Blankenaauw and Han Kolkena.Mr Kok was an amiable man who knew all he needed to know about his employees, and was committed to them all. Just imagine the fun we had during the household trade fair. The entire Kok Ede field staff stayed at the Rustende Jager in Otterloo.
Jo Stakenborg, the sales rep from Limburg, took his electric organ for the evenings. We had a great time listening to him play tunes by Johan Ratelband, Gerard Blankenaauw and Han Kolkena.
Kok Ede and its customers were one big family, held together by a number of very striking figures. One of them was Meindert Feenstra, who’s been dead for 25 years now. Mr Kok went to great lengths to please Meindert, who was chair of the chefs’ union in Friesland. Nobody would dream of switching suppliers against Meindert’s will!! When I took over in Friesland in 1986, the then- managing director Frans Rikkers, had to ask Mr Feenstra if this was all right with him…”
The last photo of the Kok Ede field staff in 1987 in front of the door of Beaumet in Epernay.